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The European leader in furnaces for hot mechanical testing

With more than 50 years’ experience in thermal equipment, AET Technologies is the European leader in furnaces for hot mechanical testing. AET Technologies specialises in the design and manufacture of special and standard thermal equipment for research and industry, and provides complete solutions for mechanical testing.


Integrator for multi-brand mechanical testing machines


Our expertise includes the integration of multi-brand mechanical testing machines, the design of standard furnaces and machines, the complete engineering of equipment (special furnaces on standard machines), as well as after-sales services tailored to your specific needs. Almost all materials, whether plastics, wood, rubber, concrete, metals, alloys, ceramics or composites, are subjected to mechanical tests to determine their characteristics. These tests are essential to ensure that materials are used optimally in their final applications.


A unique expertise in mechanical testing


Hot mechanical testing is essential for determining the properties of materials used at high temperatures. AET Technologies‘ thermal equipment enables testing under real conditions of use, ensuring that materials can withstand the mechanical and thermal stresses to which they will be exposed.


Furnaces for tensile testing
These tests measure the resistance of materials to fracture in tension, providing essential data such as yield strength and tensile strength.


Fours pour essais de compression
Ces essais évaluent la capacité des matériaux à résister à des forces de compression, essentiels pour des matériaux utilisés dans des environnements exigeants.


Furnaces for compression testing
These tests assess the ability of materials to withstand compressive forces, essential for materials used in demanding environments.


Furnaces for bending testing
Used to assess the resistance of materials to bending, these tests are particularly important for structures supporting loads in various directions.


Furnaces for creep testing
These tests analyse the effects of time on materials under constant stress and temperature, essential for long-term applications such as nuclear power plants and gas turbines.


Thermal equipment dedicated to mechanical testing



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